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Tips To Stay Motivated + Happy While Staying At Home

Writer's picture: ShayShay

Hello everyone! Wow! It has been over a year since I wrote a blog post! This morning I finally felt inspired to create a post for you all during this period when we are mostly all stuck at home. For me, this quarantine can feel overwhelming and scary but I know that in the end, we will all be stronger from this.

Today's post is going to be a short(ish) guide for staying motivated and happy while staying at home or working from home. I know that in the time I have been at home (going on 14 days now) my emotions have been all over the board and my motivation has been at an all-time low. These tips that my partner and I compiled have been helping us get through the hard times and now life feels pretty normal, besides the fact that we are home all day long.

So let's jump right in!

t i p #1


When I first wake up in the morning I usually take a moment to consciously choose to have a good day, even before I open my eyes. This helps me start the day with a positive attitude and an open heart. We are in complete control of how we feel. I know some days may feel heavier than others, but dwelling in the darkness of our sadness, fear, and anxiety will not help us get back to the light. We must choose light. Choose happiness. Choose love.

t i p #2


After I get out of bed I head to the kitchen to make myself a cup of warm water with lemon and a drop of doTERRA Slim + Sassy, I sit down at the table with my journal and write out my goals and/or to-dos of the day. I find that when I create a plan for the day I am more motivated to actually accomplish the things on the list. If you are working from home, you can create a schedule for yourself. What hours will you work? When will you take a lunch break? When are you done for the day? Make sure that when you are writing your plan out that your goals are realistic and attainable. Maybe start with 3-5 things to do and then work your way up. Don't put too much pressure on yourself, you are doing the best you can. When writing out my plan for the day I try to include my daily gratitudes and the first "I am" statements that come to my mind. This practice allows me to start my day from a place of gratitude and love for myself and others.

t i p #3


I don't know about you guys, but when I am home all day I will be in comfy clothes 100% of the time. But it is also really hard for me to do work if I don't change out of my pajamas so I've found that getting dressed (even if it's just putting on a different pair of leggings) has helped me gain motivation to work and get stuff done. Making the bed is something I try to do all the time anyway but it is a small task that I can accomplish early in the day and 1. your room looks cleaner and 2. you are less likely to take a nap.

t i p #4


I need breaks throughout the day to avoid getting burnt out while working from home. Even if it's just a quick 15-minute break to go play with Prudence out in the backyard, that break is the little reset I need to go back and tackle the rest of my work. I'm best when I intertwine work throughout the day rather than work for a solid chunk of time. I will work for two or three hours, take a long break (an hour or so), and then go back to work. These breaks are when I do my chores for the day and self-care rituals, it's a good balance for me. I encourage you to play with your work-to-break ratio and see what is best for you. If you are afraid that you won't want to go back to work after taking such a long break then you can take a shorter break! There are really no rules here!

My favorite ways to take breaks are:

Taking the dog on a walk

Talking to my mom/dad/siblings/friends on the phone


Dancing (this one is probably my #1 favorite way to take a quick break)

Making a snack

Doing yoga


Reading a book


Listening to a podcast


t i p #5


Guess what isn't canceled? Going on walks in nature, recharging in the sun, pulling weeds, watching the sunsets, stargazing, and all the other wonders our amazing world has to offer. We have been working on getting our backyard in shape. It's a large space that was pretty daunting at first, but after pulling weeds, redoing the fire pit that was there when we moved in, and tackling the massive project of getting water to our backyard, I am starting to see the oasis our yard can be. You don't need a yard to enjoy nature! Go for a walk around your neighborhood, look up at the sky, listen to the birds sing.

t i p #6


Lately, I've noticed that I have not been drinking as much water as I should be. It's easy for me to have my water and coffee in the morning and then go hours without drinking anything. By the end of the day, I have a headache and I know immediately that it's because I am dehydrated. So I have been making more of an effort to drink lots of water and take care of myself.

t i p #7


Small things like coffee in the morning, a homemade cookie, and a relaxing bath at the end of the day can bring a lot of joy and comfort into our lives during times of stress and uncertainty. Find the tiny things that offer you light in the darkness.

t i p #8


Talking through my feelings helps me process my emotions and release built-up stress and anxiety. I know that sometimes it is hard to talk through the emotions that make us feel vulnerable but know that vulnerability is not a weakness, it is your greatest strength. Sharing your vulnerabilities allows others to open up and share similar feelings and experiences. I am extremely grateful to have a support system I can open up to, cry to, and vent to. Call your family, friends, talk to your partner, vent to your dog, journal about how you are feeling. Just let it all out and be assured that you are not alone in what you are feeling. Every emotion you are experiencing is valid.

t i p #9


This may seem silly, but it has really helped me stay motivated and continue working to create an aesthetically pleasing area for me to work. I set up my laptop, iPad, any other journals and books I need, diffuse oils, light candles, maybe even grab some crystals that are calling me, and set up a space that feels good and makes me happy. I'm less likely to leave and do something else if I enjoy where I am. Have fun with this! Create your own little home office and share it with me!

t i p #10


I took an online webinar for teaching yoga online and the lady giving the talk said, "Let it be different, things aren't going to be the same and that's okay. Let it be different." and that really stuck with me. For me, teaching yoga online is very difficult because I cannot read the energy of a room full of people through a screen. I cannot help modify poses for students or offer adjustments. I keep getting stuck on the can't aspect when I need to be focusing on all the new opportunities that I can do. Things are going to be different and it is up to us how we adapt. We can choose to be stuck in the past and focus on the negatives of the present or we can look to the future and find hope and inspiration. The photo shows how I record my classes now, just a little different than being in a room full of people. But I have enjoyed learning something new and look forward to growing as a teacher through this.

I hope these tips help you stay happy and motivated while working from home! If you have any questions about my rituals, don't hesitate to reach out! Try all of these tips, none of them, or a mix! Test out new things and find what works for you and your needs. Explore and don't be afraid to step into the unknown!

Love + Light


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