Goals or resolutions are something I usually do not take part in. Partially because I don't think people typically succeed at something just because it's a new year...and also because I'm always scared to disappoint myself, but this year I decided to take some time and write out some things that I would like to see myself accomplish or at least put effort towards.
START A BLOG - & here we are! I'm not totally sure what this is going to transform into... I just want this to be an outlet where I can express myself and put things I create and find interesting. Food! Beauty & Fashion! Health & Wellness! My pup and boyfriend! And just... my life!
BE HEALTHIER MENTALLY & PHYSICALLY - in 2017 I started a *fairly* regular yoga practice and I want to continue to practice yoga, it has helped me in so many ways already mentally and physically. I want to keep growing in my practice and so adding meditation into the mix in 2018 is something I'm looking forward to starting.
VISIT MY SISTER - my older sister lives out of state and I hardly get to see her anymore. This year I would like to be able to plan a trip to go see her and her new house for a few days and spend some quality sister time with her.
READ MORE - since graduating from NMSU in May 2017 I have not spent a lot of time reading or mindfully continuing my education. I'm still unsure about what kind of books I want to delve into this year but French short stories may or may not be on my mind...
LET GO OF NEGATIVITY - it's hard to let negative thoughts, energy, and words just slide, especially for me. When I am in a good mood and someone says something hurtful to me, it's difficult for me to let it go and remain positive. Hopefully this year I can implement some meditation techniques to remain positive and not let other peoples negativity bring me down. This article I read has some good tips to keep what is important in mind: https://www.flowmagazine.com/read/mindfulness/stop-worrying-small-stuff.html
ACCEPT THE UNKNOWN & PAST - things happen, things will happen. It does not matter how long you think about something that happened, nothing will change it. Although learning to accept the past is something I've been learning to do this past year, this year I want to accept the unknown of the future. There are many things that scare me about the future, but I am also very happy about where I am currently. So I want to be okay with that.
BE LESS WASTEFUL & MORE MINDFUL - we recycle and try to use as little water and energy as possible at our house but there are endless ways to help reduce waste. I want to minimize my wardrobe and stop spending as much money on clothes and things and spend more time and energy on my relationships and friendships.
I filled a whole page with goals and intentions before I knew it and I know I won't be able to accomplish every single thing on that page but it was nice to get it all out of my mind and see the actual words.
So hi, hello, howdy and bonjour, I'm Shaylee and here's to a new year, a new blog, and a whole lot of love and happiness along the way.